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Laboratory testing References Recognitions Offer request


Failure analysis

Failure analysis of industrial components through chemical, metallographic and microscopic analyses, able to define failure surfaces, fracture mechanics and any pre-existing defects in the materials used.

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SSM srl
Via degli Artigiani, 86
16162 GENOVA/Bolzaneto (Ge)
phone: + 39 010 710259 - 713751
fax: + 39 010 710365
e-mail: ssmlab@ssmlab.it

Laboratory testing References Recognitions Offer request

  SSM S.r.l. - Sede legale in Via degli Artigiani 86, Genova - Capitale sociale € 20.000 i.v. - P.IVA 01684710997
Registro imprese di Genova n. 01684710997
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